Browsing Archive: June, 2013

Here is Motor Voter in all of it's nastiness

Posted by Steinar Andersen on Monday, June 17, 2013,

No where is it listed (that I can see) where the state can take a sample of the cards and to use either a 3rd party or independent party to verify a certain amount of these cards to see if the applicant is being truthful. The effort seems to be that the person sending in the card is treated with kid gloves and that it takes a miracle to change the laws. I also wonder if anyone thought to include this information in the law that when conduc...
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The US Supreme Court ~ Out to lunch

Posted by Steinar Andersen on Monday, June 17, 2013,
I am a LEGAL immigrant. What I am about to say does not make me a bigot, against a specific minority or race, or against immigrants.
The US Supreme Court has officially gone off it's rocker. The fact it is Hispanic open borders organizations and the ACLU trumpeting their approval of this is evidence that it is getting to a point that you just only need your "word" that you are a US Citizen to vote. Given that voting decides our political races, why is it that as a illegal immigrant, legal imm...

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Legal Immigrant

Steinar Andersen Steinar served this country in the US Marine Corps from 1981 to 1988 (having been Honorably Discharged). He became a US Citizen in 1983 the old fashioned way, he worked towards it and earned it.

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